Edit Advanced Segmenting

Defining dump sections for FXS design strings

Edit Advanced Segmenting

To access this dialog:

  • In the FXS Design Definitions dialog, select a Segmenting Method of [Advanced] and click the browse button inside the Advanced table column.

This panel, part of the FXS Design Definitions process, is used to permit the first sections of an FXS string to have a dump applied to them. There is no limit to the number of dump sections that can be applied per string, providing the string is long enough to contain them.

Selecting the [Advanced] segmenting method will automatically disable the Number and Length columns in the FXS Design Definitions panel.

This panel lets you to specify the dumping angle and the position along the string at which each dumping section starts. For multiple dumping sections, the dumping activity will be defined by the Dumping Angle to denote the facing dumping angle and the angle of the subsequent section to describe the backing angle.

Dumping section angles are measured globally from 0 to 90 degrees, starting from vertical. Each segment distance (either default for all sections of custom, individual distances per section) is measured from the start of the design string.

In the example above, no Override is specified for the first record so the default Segment Length (10) Dumping Angle (65) is used.

Field Details:

The Edit Advanced Segmenting dialog contains the following controls:

Default Segment Length: enter a value here to be used to define the segment length to be used where a more specific instruction isn't described in the table below.

Default Dumping Angle: enter a value here to be used to define the dumping angle to be used where a more specific instruction isn't described in the table below.

The data table contains the following columns:

Segment: displays a numeric segment ID, starting from 1 (start of the string) followed by successive IDs along the design string.

Segment Length: default values will be used unless Override is selected, allowing custom Length values to be specified.

Dumping Angle: default values will be used unless Override is selected, allowing custom Angle values to be specified. This angle can be positive or negative.

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FXS Design Definitions